Sunday, May 27, 2007


Monta Vista ranked 85

In the May 25 issue of Newsweek, Monta Vista is ranked 85 in the nation.

The complete list of 1200 schools can be found at:

Here are the rankings of

          Monta Vista     Lynbrook    Homestead    Cupertino    Saratoga

2003:         88               91              416                    n/a              153
2005:         57              177              334                  n/a              202
2006:          152          501                  n/a              n/a              217
2007:          85              457              467                  539              180

In 2006, Monta Vista had the highest API score in the Santa Clara county. This year Monta Vista administered over 1900 AP exams.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


7 Eleven is ripping off kids

The 7 Eleven store on the corner of Bubb and McClellan is doing a disservice to the community, especially when it's trying to rip off the kids by either giving not enough change or telling a wrong price. For kids who don't pay attention, they don't count the change. This is unacceptable and something must be done about that. The kids kno bout it, but not all the parents know. Because of this, some kids steal for revenge. So some day the whole situation will hurt the students for stealing because of the dishonesty of the vendor.

Some kids, who have a cell phone with photos and videos, should start recording when they buy as a proof of being ripped off.