Monday, October 26, 2009

Yes on Measure G

Measure G is an important topic for all the schools in the Fremont High School Union District. The plan is to keep the same parcel tax, which is $98, to help pay to keep teachers in schools and to avoid increased class sizes. By voting Yes, there's no tax increase because the residents of Cupertino, except senior citizen, have been paying this tax until now.

There's one problem that the voters need to be aware of is the fact that with this new measure, there's no expiration date for the tax. So this means that the tax can go on forever as long as the District continues to justify its use. I'm sure the board is not going to repeal it once the funding improves. The other recourse is for the voters to put a ballot measure to do so and it costs money.

Vote Yes with but, we must keep an eye on the spending and budget. When the tax is not needed, it should be repealed.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

When there isn't a cap on taxes, it's like a kid in the candy store wanting more and more. Schools are a business and with every business costs go up and with that, and by allowing this measure to go unrestrained, we as taxpayers are going to continually pay for whatever quasi-need is in place for that particular year. Don't delude yourself in thinking taxes won't go up.

The excuse "it's for the benefit of the kids" is always the line used to draw up some emotional impact on these increased taxes, but there isn't any proof that an increase in taxes has personally benefited each and every one of the kids. If there is proof, then where is it? Throwing money at the schools merely increases the paycheck of some of the teachers who, by the way, aren't doing a better job at teaching with every dollar received thanks to the district, they're merely doing what they have been doing year after year.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Reuven said...

Please remember to vote NO on Measure G! Don't let the school board tax us out of our homes.

6:55 AM  

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