Monday, July 16, 2007

Don Mackenzie deserves to be appointed

When Kathryn Ho resigned from the FUHSD board on June 26, 2007, the board decided to appoint her replacement instead of having a new election. This is a wise decision because as we all expected, FUHSD had to pay about $600,000 to former superintendent Rowley. That's a lot of money wasted by the irresponsible board members Katz, Ho and Tong who voted to fire Rowley. The money could have been used for our children. Instead of using critical thinking to make a decision, they were overcome with emotion and revenge. They never thought of the consequences. Our children paid for their mistakes. Anyway Katz was not reelected. Ho was reelected with a very small margin over Mackenzie.

Why should Don Mackenzie deserve to be appointed to the board? Because the people already voted for him to be number 4 on the list. It's logical that in a democracy, the next person on the list take over the position of the previous person who cannot serve any more. It's like in a beauty contest, there is a first runner up. If the beauty queen relinquishes her throne, the first runner up becomes the new queen. Unfortunately in politics, the system is not set up that way. Nevertheless if we want to uphold the will of the people, it's an acceptable way to choose the next person in line that the people voted for.

Let's give Don Mackenzie a chance to prove himself that he's worthy to be appointed to the board. Other candidates must prove themselves in the ballot boxes first.