Monday, November 28, 2005

New White Flight?

"The New White Flight" is a divisive article published by the Wall Street Journal on November 19, 2005.

Why do we have to differentiate between races, pitting whites against Asians? Is it a stereotype that Asian kids are hard working making the caucasian kids look bad? We're very blessed to live in a very diversified community. America is made of immigrants from all over the world. It's this melting pot that makes America what it is today with its diverse cultures.

As parents, we all want to see our kids do better than us. There is nothing wrong for our kids to challenge themselves and seek knowledge. Regardless of races, all kids want the same things: good education, good values, and eventually good jobs. So is it wrong to study hard so that they can be admitted to good colleges? These colleges don't just look for grades and SAT scores. They want balanced kids.

If we look closely, Asian kids participate in extracurricular activities such as swimming, tennis, soccer, etc. They are in band and orchestra. They enjoy singing in the choir. They are well balanced. They learn how to manage time to study and have fun. White kids can do the same.

Why didn't the author of the article interview the 2 students at Monta Vista who were recipients of the Optimist award on November 17, 2005?

My wife's caucasian friend has a son at Bellermine right now. She told us that she would not have sent her son to Bellermine if she lived in Cupertino because Monta Vista is a very good school.

Some former residents of Cupertino moved out because they not could refuse offers on their houses.

It is a real disservice from a prestigious newspaper like the Wall Street Journal to divide the community because of academic excellence from the Asian kids. It's unfortunate that the author is a Chinese-American.

The real question that should be asked is the following:

What do we want our kids to be? a football player, a basketball player, a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, an architect, a politician, a nurse, a banker, a teacher, etc.?

We have our choices. So to reach that goal, what should we do?

Don't blame the kids because they're hungry and have ambitions. Don't blame the parents because they support their kids.

Please read the interesting opinion of Thomas Sowell regarding the WSJ piece at

Please read the article at

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Editor of the Wall Street Journal:

The November 19?20 Weekend Edition's lead story "The New White Flight" presents a set of facts not justifiably tied to its title. To be sure, the rapid influx of Asians and many others from around the world to the Cupertino community has understandbly spawned temporary tensions. But it also has forged many permanent cross?cultural alliances. This article does not offer factual proof of a "white flight" because there is relatively little of it to be found. Indeed, the Fremont Union High School District has earned national attention for aggressively disenrolling students, both white and Asian, whose families have falsified their residency documentation in order to illegally gain entry to each of our five high schools.

Far more interesting and realistic stories abound in Cupertino. The tension students feel between the culture of their parents and that of American society is a real story. The growing split between Asian Democrats and Asian Republicans or the multiple splits within the Asian community over the partisan politics in their countries of origin are fascinating stories of national consequence. The schism between one group of Asian and white citizens against another group of Asian and white citizens over suburban growth is a veritable saga.

I know that the citizens of Cupertino can easily weather a factual expose highlighting the tensions that exist in this unique community undergoing uncommon change. But it is frustrating and divisive to have facts and quotes picked selectively to make the case for a storyline that simply doesn't square with common experience.

Dr. Steve Rowley
Superintendent, Fremont Union High School District
Cupertino/Sunnyvale. California
November 21, 2005

Superintendent of Schools
Fremont Union High School District
589 West Fremont Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Phone (408)522?2201 FAX (408)24,5?5325

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Monta Vista Community,

Many of you may have read or heard about the resent article in The Wall
Street Journal. I am very upset with the way the article portrayed Monta
Vista, our students and those of us who were interviewed. I have written a
Letter to the Editor that I would like to share with you. It is a long
letter but I hope you will read it until the end.

Thanks, Cathy Gatley

Dear Letter to the Editor of the Wall Street Journal:

I made the mistake by thinking that a prestigious paper such as the Wall
Street Journal would be fair and accurate in their reporting. How surprised
and hurt I was to read your article entitled "White Flight" and see my
thoughts misrepresented in such a way as to try and divide the wonderful
diverse community that I live in. Why do papers always try to make it an "us
versus them" problem and bring about racial strife?
As Co-president of the PTA I am often asked my opinions but never have my
words been more manipulated and edited to offend my neighbors. When asked
about the school that my children attend I responded that it is a very
academic school. Students have to make sacrifices with their time that I
don't think they should have to make.
The point I was trying to make is…..strong academics are important but the
things you learn outside a classroom can be just as valuable as the things
one learns in a classroom. I don’t want my children to only concentrate on
AP classes and getting A’s. I want my children to learn good sportsmanship
by being on a school sports team, I want them to smile with joy as they sing
in a choir performance, I want them to build confidence as they recite their
lines in the school play and I want them to go to the beach with their
friends on a Saturday and not bring their books with them to study.
In the highly driven academic environment of Monta Vista some students
sacrifice the extra things, the building of a sand castle or being on a
sports team in order to take one more AP class or go to SAT tutoring. I
think twice about having my children live in an environment that makes them
make those choices.
So when asked, “would you have moved to Cupertino then knowing what you know
now?’ my answer was I don’t know. It had nothing to do with the change in
demographics as the writer might lead you to believe, but for the desire of
a school filled with pep-rallies, school spirit, pasta nights, and fun.
Strong academics and competition are important to me but so are the extra
things teenagers should experience that I feel is getting lost and forgotten
for the sake of an AP class. When I see my friends choosing other schools
for their children it is because they are seeking a more balanced school
environment not because they don’t believe in competition or diversity.
Instead of fleeing to that kind of school I am committed to the Monta
Vista community and support the schools focus of educating the whole child.
Cupertino schools afford our children an excellent education, in part
because of the tremendous programs and in part because of the wonderful
parental involvement.
Monta Vista has great academics but it also has a great arts and music
program, great community service programs and athletic programs. Monta
Vista's staff has been working hard over the past year to transform itself
into a more rounded school environment. I attended freshman night recently
and was proud to hear one of our administrators counsel incoming freshman
parents about their role. He said that if we allowed our children to focus
only on academics and miss out on an extra-curricular activity, be it band
or sports or drama or service, then we as parents were not holding up our
part of the bargain.
It's time for papers like the Wall Street Journal to stop trying to divide
this great nation of ours by printing articles trying to pit neighbor
against neighbor. We all come from different backgrounds and experiences
and no one is better than the other....just different. I personally embrace
the differences my community has to offer and plan on living in Cupertino a
very long time.
Cathy Gatley
Cupertino, California

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reaction of April Scott, Principal at Monta Vista, to the Wall Street Journal Article:

Those of us that have the great fortune of "living" at Monta Vista truly understand the blessings and the challenges that accompany its reputation. The recent Wall Street Journal article was yet another confirmation that those outside the Monta Vista community truly do not understand it. It is very easy, and inaccurate, to swipe a broad brush and attempt to describe Monta Vista simplistically. As I read the article I reflected on a number of things. Allow me to comment!

As the journalist began to interview me months ago, I was provided the opportunity to sing the praises of Monta Vista. It allowed me to acknowledge the excellence of the school and its programs. The excellence of the school has transcended time, change in personnel and a continually fluctuating student body. It is not related to a race or a single group. Instead it is a credit to the committed and involved student body, supportive and caring families, and devoted and creative staff. The culture of the school and community perpetuate this pride and involvement ... continuing the reputation that many seek for their children. It is totally separate from race or ethnicity. It is the values of the school and community that draw its residents.

Monta Vista opens its doors to those that live here and come to be educated. It is not a charter school, a private school, nor one that selectively accepts new enrollees. We do not choose those who can or cannot attend. We welcome all those that live in the attendance area to come and be part of the Matador life. We work diligently to meet the needs of ALL students who cross our threshold. Course offerings provide a variety of avenues for students to follow their interests, meet graduation requirements, and challenge themselves.

The "math/science" focus is the biggest misconception to those that do not know Monta Vista. How could anyone not acknowledge the 900+ students in athletics, 1000+ students in performing arts and 700+ students in visual arts? Our "math/science" school regularly sends students to CCS and NorCal competitions. Not bad for a "math/science" school! Let's talk about the electives program. How many schools still offer woodshop, electronics, and drafting? Monta Vista does! Let's not forget yearbook, journalism, speech and debate, and 10 sections of business. Our Activities/Leadership program is recognized state?wide as a model program. Each academic area provides a broad spectrum of courses that provide students opportunity and choice.

I would be negligent if I did not address the guidance from the Career Center, Guidance Counselors and Student Advocate. All confirm the commitment to EACH and EVERY student. The teaching and classified staff are extraordinary ... bright, caring, creative and devoted. The accomplishments of the school would be impossible without the dedicated families. Parents have donated computers to the new library, donated over $130,000 (!!) to enhance the new pool complex, volunteered endless hours toward booster groups, helped at school, planned student celebrations and assisted school staff. And, they continue to keep on giving!

Many of us have been aware of the negative (and false) perceptions that rumble through the community. Those of us deeply ingrained in Monta Vista are baffled by the falsehoods that seem to perpetuate themselves. This Wall Street Journal article was an "in your face" reminder that our efforts to dispel the myths have not been effective. The article did, however, create a unifying energy amongst the Monta Vista community of staff, students and parents defending its image and reputation. The "Purple Pride" cannot be stifled. It confirms why we love this place!

I challenged the journalist to find another school that could match Monta Vista regarding opportunities and support. Are we perfect? No. Are we committed to those areas that are successful, and devote our energies to preserving them? Yes. Are we open and willing to recognize our deficiencies and to improve. Another Yes. This is the REAL Monta Vista, not one that is narrow and singular in its focus, but one that relishes ALL the students and families that grace its rolls. Monta Vista is a "WE"... not a "YOU" and a "THEY." WE will work together. WE will continue to preserve the excellence of Monta Vista. WE will grow and develop and continue productive conversation.

WE are proud to be Matadors!

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please read the article in the CUpertino Courier.

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