Wednesday, November 07, 2007

And the winners are...

Kris Wang 4,054 26.52%
Gilbert Wong 2,818 18.44%
Mark Santoro 2,708 17.72%
Barry Chang 2,543 16.64%
Raj Abhyanker 2,274 14.88%
Albert Chu 889 5.82%

As expected Wang and Wong got elected, but they were not given a blank check. As we can see Santoro came in very strong in the third position. It was a good showing for a novice without experience. This also shows that people voted along racial lines.

So what do we go from here?

The citizens of Cupertino liked what Wang did and gave her another term although it was not a landslide. Wong got his chance to prove himself that he's not just pro developer, but understands the need to have a balanced growth. Even though he came in second, he barely made it. He needs to listen to the people who voted for his main opponent, the anti developer Chang, who did a good showing. If we add the votes of Wong and Chang, the total is more than what Wang got. This means that not all the votes for Wong were for Wang. It's also possible that those who voted for Wong did not vote for Wang who could get the votes from those who voted for Abhyanker and Chu. Anyway the people have spoken. They want Wang to counterbalance Wong. They also want a sustained growth.

Congratulations to the winners and let's hope that they work for the people as Santoro wanted to do. So listen to the people.

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