Saturday, May 31, 2008


Vote Yes on Measure B

Our local high schools Cupertino, Fremont, Homestead, Lynbrook and Monta Vista are underfunded. Although with a limited fund, but with the active participation of the parents,they're doing good, especially Monta Vista and Lynbrook that are ranked high in Newsweek and US News.

We need Measure B to pass so that our schools can be upgraded. The measure will:

  • Create a technology fund to upgrade classroom computers.

  • Build new science labs.

  • Construct new classrooms to avoid overcrowding.

To learn more please visit

Vote Yes on B.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Monta Vista is ranked 146 by Newsweek

Monta Vista and Lynbrook are ranked 146 and 360 respectively by Newsweek.

The article can be found at

In 2007, Monta Vista was also 146 while Lynbrook was ranked 476.

Why Vote for Fong?

Four candidates are running for the 22nd State Assembly District vacated by Sally Lieber. They are: Paul Fong, Dominic Caserta, Kris Wang and Anna Song. Paul Fong and Kris are Cupertino residents.

To my dismay and surprise, Kris Wang and/or her supporters removed the Paul Fong signs from the lawns of private residences. On top of that they replaced the 2 signs on the lawn of the house of Paul Fong with their own. It looks like they did not know that it was Paul Fong's house. They removed the signs of their opponents in front of 7 Eleven on Bubb and McClellan. So what does that mean? I never thought that Kris Wang used this kind of tactics to try to win at any price. This is not a way to run a campaign. She doesn't deserve to be my representative. I voted for her when she ran for the Cupertino city council. But with this kind of unethical behavior, she does not have my support any more. Her only experience is being mayor of Cupertino in 2007. It was not enough for her to go to Sacramento. She's a newcomer who still needs to learn about politics. Nobody in the Cupertino city council endorses her. Why? Ask them. Ask former Cupertino mayor Sandra James why she endorses Caserta. Ask current Cupertino mayor Dolly Sandoval and former mayor Patrick Kwok why they endorse Fong.

We cannot live like in a farm. If we want Cupertino to be a farm, we could have kept it that way when Cupertino was just full of orchards. We live in a dynamic world with progress and growth. We need a balanced growth. If you read my previous blogs, you all know my positions. Now we have to choose between two major candidates: Fong and Caserta. Fong is resident of Cupertino. He'll serve our interests better than Caserta. He's pro-environment endorsed by the Sierra Club. He's a Trustee of the Foothill De Anza College District. He will serve our 22nd District well.

Vote for the best candidate who represents us better in Sacramento.